Monday, March 9, 2009

Spring Break

So if you haven't heard yet, I am going to Virginia for Spring Break and I am supper excited. I can't wait. I leave in 5 days. Can't wait till I get to see Jason again, it has been so long.
I'm not really sure of some of what we are going to do, but one day we are going to Washington D.C., go to the beach, there is a lighthouse I want to see.
Also I want to see The Last House on the Left, that movie looks so good. I'm going to be scared to death, oh well.
Well i will write more once I get back home and let you know what have happened and what funness we have done.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Teaching Chemistry

Hey I thought that I should let you know, that teaching went well this week. The kids had fun doing all of the experiments and learning more about Chemistry.
Now I am planning to teach about Construction next week. Its going to be interesting.

Spring Break

Well the other night I bought my plane ticket to go to Virginia for Spring Break. I am way excited to Jason again, it has been so long and I miss him. I thought that I would let you all know what I'm doing. Its going to be fun and exciting. I will update you more later and tell you what we end up doing and where we go.
I love you Jason

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Okay so right now I am getting things ready for my first big teaching week. Right now I teach every Thursday and its fun, but it usually is simple and easy, but next week I will be teaching Monday-Thursday and my topic is Chemistry. It is going to be interesting and I'm trying to get everything ready and together so that I don't have to worry about it later. I'm nervous and I hope that all will go well.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


To let you all know, if you haven't heard I will be graduating from College coming up pretty soon. I will be able to walk this Spring in May. But I still have to take two more classes in the summer, and then I am done. My last day of class should be July 10th. I should make a count down for the big celebration. one of these days here I will.
I will be getting my Bachelors degree in Human Development Family Studies with an emphasize in Early childhood. I want to be a teacher and to be able to teach kindergarten or First Grade.


So since everyone else pretty much has a blog and has been asking me if I have one. I figured that I might as well start one, and plus I am bored in class because I do not fully understand what is going on at all in here. It is statistics and I am so lost. Anyways I will update this thing hear and there and let you know what is going on in life, since most of you guys have no idea what is going on. But I should probably go now and take some more notes. I'll update this maybe hopefully tomorrow.